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Install ResourceSpace for free

Get the software and start setting up your Digital Asset Management software today.

ResourceSpace is a completely free, open source digital asset management (DAM) solution that you can get up and running immediately - see the options below.

Free 10GB cloud service

If you're just trying out the software or have fairly basic requirements and don't feel you need our support you can set up a free system and be up and running in seconds.

Get started for free

Cloud and On-Premise Support Packages

Let us take care of everything. Our packages include installation, configuration, upgrades and issue resolution.

View service pricing

Options for the technically inclined...

Install via Docker

Set up ResourceSpace quickly and reliably on any platform that supports Docker. This includes a range of operating systems and environments, such as Linux servers, Windows machines, macOS, and cloud services like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

Installation guide